Home – Keeping It Together
The warmth in your heart that keeps you going is a place called Home….
"Home – Keeping It Together" is the theme for Total Defence 2011. The campaign seeks to remind Singaporeans that Singapore is worth defending on all fronts, simply because it’s home.
Total Defence 2011 is anchored on the song "Home", a Singaporean classic written by Dick Lee and originally sung by Kit Chan. The lyrics of "Home" reflect Singaporeans’ treasured memories and shared dreams for the future, whether they are living in Singapore or abroad.
The video showcases a new arrangement of "Home" and features iconic local singers from various generations including Ramli Sarip, Jacintha Abishenagaden, Kit Chan, Stefanie Sun, JJ Lin and more! You can do your part for charity by downloading the music video; every download will be matched by a pledged donation to ComChest by a private corporation.
Please click on the video to listen to the song title "HOME"
By Eric
BBE SVRC Senior Citizens' Birthday Celebration - 26 February 2011 Saturday

Bukit Batok East Spring View RC organised a birthday celebration party for all their senior citizens. Everyone was treated with great food and entertainment from the bingo games and number guessing games. The lucky winners walked home with great prizes. All Senior Citizens went home filled with joy from the fun and companionship from the gathering.
The Organising Committee would like to wish all the senior citizens happiness and great health, today and every day to come. Happy Birthday!
Please click the below link to view the photos:
SVRC SC Birthday Celebration
By Spring View Community & Eric
Our Coffeeshop SHINES! - 13 February 2011 Sunday

BBE folks bustled with excitement at the Chinese New Year Market Visit as Mdm Halimah distributed Hongbaos and oranges to the residents and coffeeshop merchants. To highlight the importance of maintaining good hygiene practices, Mdm Halimah also supported National Environment Agency’s (NEA) initiative of “Singapore’s OK Food Shop” and distributed aprons to all the coffeeshop vendors. The BBE vendors responded enthusiastically and wore the bright green aprons immediately to show their support of ensuring hygiene in food preparation.
Please click the below link to view the photos:
Our Coffeeshop Shines
By CLO Lianne & Eric
A Sizzling CNY Market Visit- A First Of Its Kind Mexican Fire In The Heartland Experience At Bukit Batok East Point Mall
Bukit Batok East residents ooo-ed and aaa-ed in delight as the dazzling fireball rolled towards them on the grounds of Blk 279 on Sunday. The Mexican Purepecha and Cornisa performers brought Chingay into the heartland as they entertained BBE residents with an exhilarating fireball game and comedic theatric act.

Mdm Halimah Yacob, Member of Parliament and Adviser to Jurong GRC GROs met up with His Excellency Antonio Villegas and his wife Mrs. Claudia Villegas from the Embassy of Mexico and together with our grassroots leaders, played a mean game of Purepecha! It was an exciting and meaningful exchange of cultures as the Mexican Ambassadors basked in the hospitality of our Bukit Batok East heartlanders.
The FIREBALL game is extremely popular and unique to the Purépecha people of Mexico, and the fireball represents the sun and honours the god of fire in this ritualistic sport. This was the first time where BBE residents got to experience the festivity and magic of Chingay during a Market Visit. Many families were all smiles as they took home these memories by taking a picture with the hunky Mexican warriors.

Please click the below link to view the photos:
Mexican Fire Ball
By CLO Lianne & Eric

Mdm Halimah Yacob, Member of Parliament and Adviser to Jurong GRC GROs met up with His Excellency Antonio Villegas and his wife Mrs. Claudia Villegas from the Embassy of Mexico and together with our grassroots leaders, played a mean game of Purepecha! It was an exciting and meaningful exchange of cultures as the Mexican Ambassadors basked in the hospitality of our Bukit Batok East heartlanders.
The FIREBALL game is extremely popular and unique to the Purépecha people of Mexico, and the fireball represents the sun and honours the god of fire in this ritualistic sport. This was the first time where BBE residents got to experience the festivity and magic of Chingay during a Market Visit. Many families were all smiles as they took home these memories by taking a picture with the hunky Mexican warriors.

Please click the below link to view the photos:
Mexican Fire Ball
By CLO Lianne & Eric
BBE VIP Engagement Nite - 15 Feb 2011 Tuesday

To show our appreciation to the support given by the newly recruited volunteers and to deepen engagement , Bukit Batok East CCC and CLC organised a Lunar New Year Gathering on 15 February 2011. The volunteers enjoyed a night of refreshments and games and they had lots of fun.
Please click the below link to view the photos:
VIPs Engagement Nite
By Eric Ng
Zone 3 RC Lunar New Year cum Senior Citizens’ Birthday Celebrations - 20 February 2011 Sunday

Around 400 residents gathered at block 266 void deck to celebrate the new year as well as to honour their seniors. Mdm Halimah, together with the seniors whose birthday are from January to April, celebrated together. Mdm Halimah also went to every table to distribute cake & red eggs to the birthday “babies”.
Please click the below link to view the photos:
LNY cum SC Birthday Celebration
By Yew Bee & Eric
Zone 3 RC Block Party cum Night Safari Tour - 19 February 2011 Saturday

About 150 residents joined the Night Safari tour on 19 February. Mdm Halimah joined them for a time of mingling among fellow neighbours before they departed for a night of adventure at Night Safari.
Please click the link below to view the photos:
Block Party cum Night Safari Tour
By Yew Bee & Eric
BBE Nature View RC 10th Anniversary & Lunar New Year Celebration Dinner - 19 February 2011 Saturday

Drumming and Dancing by Lion Dance performance…where does the sound come from? ….. celebration? Sound like coming from Blk 289C, Basketball court... Curiosity has drawn crowds from the neighbourhood to the event venue.
On 19th Feb 2011,Saturday, Bukit Batok East Nature View RC celebrated their 10th Anniversary and Lunar New Year festive celebration dinner together with 500 residents. The guest of honour Mdm Halimah Yacob, MP of Jurong GRC and Adviser for Jurong GRC GROs had came to interact and celebrate the event together with the residents and key grassroots leaders. The committee also invited a special guest Mr Yam Ah Mee, CED of People’s Association and his team of Directors to join in the celebration.The committee had arranged a variety of multi cultural performances with a special highlight by the RC Basic English Conversational Course. Participants and residents were touched and inspired to continue learning journey regardless of age. Indeed everyone was entertained and enjoyed the performances organised. Align with the PA’s 2015 vision for the Community and to build a caring community, the event had brought the neighbours a level closer together.
On behalf of the committee, they were like to express they heartfelt appreciation to all and volunteers who had supported and helped up before and during the event.
Please click the link below to view the photos:
By Michelle & Eric
Budget Singapore 2011 - 18 February 2011 Friday

The FY2011 Budget Statement will be delivered by Minister for Finance, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, in Parliament this afternoon. REACH, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance (MOF), is embarking on a post-Budget feedback exercise from 18 February 2011 to 4 March 2011 to seek views from Singaporeans on Budget 2011.
Please click the link to find out more :
Budget Singapore 2011
By Eric Ng
BBE Lunar New Year Celebration – 12 February 2011 Saturday

It was an amazing Lunar New Year Celebration as 700 grassroots leaders and residents bustled around the hall, soaking in the festive spirit of New Year with food, song and dance.
Guest of Honour, Mdm Halimah Yacob, MP of Jurong GRC and Adviser to Jurong GRC GROs expressed her heartfelt thanks to all the residents as well as volunteers for their continuous support and hard work in Bukit Batok East. It was a night to behold, filled with entertainment from the spectacular variety show of singing and dancing as well as the much-awaited lucky draw! It was indeed heartwarming to see residents from different cultural backgrounds come together to enjoy the festive occasion together. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL! AND WISHING YOU A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR WITH HAPPINESS AND GOOD HEALTH ALWAYS!
Please click the link below to view the photos:
BBE Lunar New Year Celebration
By CLO Lianne & Eric
Sherwood Tower Lunar New Year Celebration - 12 February Saturday

Madam Halimah Yacob, MP for Jurong GRC & Adviser to Jurong GRC GROs was invited by the MCST to officially reopen the Sherwood Towers’s Deck 5 Upgrade Facilities on 12 February 2011, Saturday. It was an evening of fun for the residents with many prizes to be won. Madam Halimah took the opportunity to tour the new facilities and also take time to share some of the residents’ concerns.
Please click the below link to view the photos:
Sherwood Tower LNY Celebration
By Alvin & Eric
Team BBE @ Istana LNY Garden Party - 13 February 2011 Sunday

PM Lee Hsien Loong and his Cabinet colleagues hosted about 4,000 GRLs and family members at the annual Chinese New Year Garden party, and thanked them for their community work and dedication. BBE’s GRLs and family members, together with Mdm Halimah Yacob, also enjoyed a great afternoon at Istana and took a group photo with PM Lee and his wife.
(Photo by Lian He Zao Bao)
By Yew Bee & Eric
The Embassy Of Mexico Presents The “Purepecha”, The Mexican Fireball Game! - 13 February 2011 Sunday

The Ambassador, His Excellency Antonio Villegas and his wife Mrs. Claudia Villegas will meet up with Mdm Halimah Yacob, Member of Parliament and Adviser to Jurong GRC during this Sunday’s 13 Feb 2011 at BBE Market Visit. The Mexican group will be performing at the open area of Blk 279 Kopitiam. The Mexican Fireball performers have had 10 years of performing experience in the Purepecha Game and are looking forward to showcase their exciting Purepecha culture to BBE’s residents! Please come and support!
By CLO Lianne & Eric
Hoover Park NC promotes active community through interest group.
An event to build active community by introducing an interest group to help residents to make friends, feel a sense of belonging and have fun. A group of 45 members meet daily on every Monday to Friday at 8.00pm, Hoover Park Playground, Lorong Pisang Asam.
On 25 Jan 2010, Tuesday, 8 pm, the Committee had invited Mdm Halimah Yacob, MP of Jurong GRC and Adviser for Jurong GRC and GROs to
participate the exercise together with the residents.Key Grassroots Leaders had participated the exercise too.
Please click the below link to view the photos:
Qigong Interest Group
By Michelle & Eric
Hoover Park NC - Making Friends, Promoting Neighbourliness

To build social capital, Bukit Batok East Hoover Park NC had organised a series of community events during the Festive Season .The committee were glad to receive overwhelming responses and compliments from the residents for the events organised.
Festive Season is a joyous moments to celebrate together as a family or as friends. The committee had organised 2 Festive community events for the Hoover Park’s residents to know each other better and to promote better understanding of other races and religions.
The committee had found a shared passion like shopping among the residents.On 22 Jan 2011, Saturday from 8.00am – 5.30pm, a group of 40 residents and volunteers had head off to a 1 day CNY shopping trip. They went to places like Famous Roti Prata at Jalan Kayu, woodland terrace’s food suppliers and wholesalers, frozen seafood at jurong fishery port, dried food at chinatown and CNY flower at Choa Chu Kang’s nursery. Residents came home with many bags of good deal goodies. They enjoyed themselves very much and looked forward to have this shopping trip again.

Having a reunion meal together as a family is always a chinese tradition which all the Chinese practice during Chinese New Year.The committee had organised a CNY Reunion High Tea by the PARK on 29 Jan 2011, Saturday from 4.00pm- 7.00pm.More than 100 residents of various races and ages had bought the tickets and came either as a family or neighbours. Apart from sumptous meal, the committee had arranged highlights like singing performance by the Youth, close encounter for magician performance, balloon scupture for the children, CNY caligraphy for the family. The guest of honour for the event is Mdm Halimah Yacob, MP of Jurong GRC and Adviser for Jurong GRC and GROs. Key Grassroots Leaders were also invited to join in the reunion high tea together.
All Photos were taken by Hoover Park NC’s grassroots Leader.
HPNC LNY Shopping Tour
HPNC Reunion High Tea 1
HPNC Reunion High Tea NMC
By Michelle & Eric
Nature View RC Lunar New Year Walk About - 6 February 2011 Sunday

To celebrate Chinese New Year with the residents ,Our adviser and MP for Jurong GRC, Mdm Halimah Yacob conducted a walk about to the newly opened coffee shop located at Blk 289H , Bukit Batok Street 25 on 6 February 2011 , Sunday. All residents presented was greeted by the Mdm Halimah with good health and Gong Xi Fa Cai.
Please click the below link to view the photos:
NVRC Walk About
By Kwang Hwee & Eric
God of Fortune in Spring View - 6 February 2011 Sunday

The God of Fortune came to Spring View estate today (6 Feb 2011) to celebrate Chinese New Year with our residents bringing with him well wishes for great wealth and health for all.
The Spring view residents committee organized the first event for the new year 2011. More than 100 residents joined the celebrations with the committee members and their family. Our adviser and MP for Jurong GRC, Mdm Halimah Yacob graced the occasion and wish all residents a Happy Lunar New Year.
Please click the below link to read more and to view the photos:
God Of Fortune in Spring View
Facebook Photos
Photos by NMC Sim
By Spring View Community & Eric Ng
Lunar New Year cum Appreciation Party - 30 January 2011, Sunday
About 200 residents came and joined in the fun to celebrate Lunar New Year cum Appreciation Party organised by Zone 3 RC. They enjoyed a night of refreshments and karaoke singing, followed by lucky draw. Madam Halimah also joined in the fun and wish all residents a wonderful New Year.
Please click the below link to view the photos:
LNY cum Appreciation Party
By Yew Bee & Eric
One Dream's Home for CNY Project - 29 January 2011 Saturday

Chinese New Year was made more meaningful for five individuals of Bukit Batok East. On 29 January 2011, five of our residents participated in the One Dream Initiative, Home for CNY Project at Methodist Girls’ School (MGS). This project reaches out to the less privileged, with the objective of treating them to an entirely free shopping experience for the New Year.
At MGS, our five recipients picked up a piece of brand new clothing and brought home some wonderful groceries sponsored by Marks & Spencer. Our residents were especially excited about the Minestrone soup from Marks & Spencer and couldn’t wait to get home to share the joy with their families!
By CLO Lianne & Eric Ng
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