Children Computer Enrichment Programme - May 2012

This course is to prepare preschoolers for future ever growing IT demands. It also provides learning experiences that will foster creativity and innovative thinking for the challenges that lie ahead of them. Theme related software will be used to enhance the children's learning to hone their skills and knowledge acquired. Children will be equipped with the basic IT skills and are able to produce creative and innovative projects
Please click the poster to find out more information.
By Lily & Eric
Phonics & Reading For Students - April 2012

This course focuses on building the students' ability to recognise phonics (sounds of alphabets) and the association of phonics with words and phrases. Students will be taught the basics of phonics and they will be guided to read passages and stories.
Please click the poster to find out more information.
By Lily & Eric
I-FILM MAKING - 28 April 2012 Saturday

The iPhone bug has hit everyone in town! This smartphone has an array of exciting features that keep one hooked for hours! Learn to maximise the use of your iPhone to create short films with amazing quality! Have a story to tell? Share it so easily with your very own iPhone short film!
Click the poster to find out more information .
Cyndi & Eric
HeARTS in ARTS @ South West - 24 March 2012 Saturday

People's Association is taking arts and culture to the heartlands with its first and most refreshing community arts festival in Singapore.
In conjunction with the festival, South West District will be organising a " PAssionARts Month @ South West on 24 March 2012 (Sat) at Yew Tee Square from 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm.
Please click the poster for more information.
You may also click the below link to find out more information for the PA PAssionArts Month 2012:
PAssionArts Month 2012
By BBE NMC & Eric
PAssionArts Month – Singapore’s first and most refreshing community arts festival! 18 March to 8 April 2012

Calling out to all aspiring performers, artists, musicians or just someone, anyone who loves the arts, come and join our PAssionArts Month happenings all over Singapore from 18 March to 8 April 2012. PAssionArts Month – Singapore’s first and most refreshing community arts festival!
Please click the below link to find out more information of the Festival :
PAssionArts Month 2012
By BBE NMC & Eric
International Women's Day Celebration & Recycling Exercise - 4 March 2012 Sunday

Residents were thrilled with the programme for the night as there were special items like daring tricks by magician and belly dancing. Many residents brought their recyclables to exchange for small gifts in support for the recycling exercise and participated actively in the programme and quiz.
Please click the link below to view the photos:
International Women Day Celebration
By Yew Bee & Eric
Residents' Gathering & Lift Upgrading Programme - 3 March 2012 Saturday

Residents gathered for a simple dinner gathering at U Square, just beside block 283, to learn more about the Lift Upgrading Programme Polling happening on 3rd and 4th March 2012. Eligible households need to cast their vote on whether they want to have LUP for their unit. A simple dinner reception and special door gift is prepared for them to enjoy.
Please click the below link to view the photo:
Zone 3 RC LUP Programme
By Yew Bee & Eric
Chingay @ Jurong GRC and Yuhua SCM - 19 February 2012 Sunday
A Block Party in conjunction with the Chingay @ Heartland Celebrations was organized by Bukit Batok East Zone 1 RC and GROs that was held on 19 February 2012 at 6.45 pm with stopover at Block 241, Bukit Batok East Avenue 2.
The 6 Grassroots Advisers were welcomed by the Bukit Batok East CCC Chairman, Mr Richard Ong Chuan Huat, BBM and the Bukit Batok East GRLs and ushered by the 6 Lion Dance Troupe sponsored by Mr Roger Tan Hoo Kiat.
Mr Soh Eng Hwee – the organizing chairman for the Block Party, then ushered the 6 Grassroots Advisers , to complete the Chinese Character 发 using ‘Fa Gao’.
The 6 Grassroots Advisers meet and mingle with over 800 Bukit Batok East Residents at Blk 241, distributing mini ‘fa gao’ to all Bukit Batok East residents. It symbolizes Prosperity for the Country and for the People.
A total of 11 float procession participated in the Chingay Procession. Residents enjoyed the night with the beautiful songs and dance, magical show, acrobatic show, colourful floats and the entertainment programme for the young and old.
Please click the below link to view the photo :
Chingay @ Jurong GRC & Yuhua SMC
By Frankie
The 6 Grassroots Advisers were welcomed by the Bukit Batok East CCC Chairman, Mr Richard Ong Chuan Huat, BBM and the Bukit Batok East GRLs and ushered by the 6 Lion Dance Troupe sponsored by Mr Roger Tan Hoo Kiat.
Mr Soh Eng Hwee – the organizing chairman for the Block Party, then ushered the 6 Grassroots Advisers , to complete the Chinese Character 发 using ‘Fa Gao’.
The 6 Grassroots Advisers meet and mingle with over 800 Bukit Batok East Residents at Blk 241, distributing mini ‘fa gao’ to all Bukit Batok East residents. It symbolizes Prosperity for the Country and for the People.
A total of 11 float procession participated in the Chingay Procession. Residents enjoyed the night with the beautiful songs and dance, magical show, acrobatic show, colourful floats and the entertainment programme for the young and old.
Please click the below link to view the photo :
Chingay @ Jurong GRC & Yuhua SMC
By Frankie
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