To equip residents with skills and tips that will help them to bake with ease, Bukit Batok East Nature View RC set up their very own Baking Interest Group in May and started their very first Cup Cake Baking Demonstration on 24 June 2012 (Sun) at the RC's centre.
More than 30 residents and their families turned up for the first baking demo. The participants were surprised that with the tips shared by the trainer, they can actually rustle up fantastic creations with their home-style oven.
The participants found the demo interesting, beneficial and are looking forward for of these demos.
Please click the link to view the phtos by one of the participants:
Cup Cake Baking DemoPlease click the below link to view the steps for Baking Cup Cake:
Cup Cake baking StepsBy NVRC Baking IG & Eric